Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started

Well I have been going through a few blogs lately, and they have been really inspiring and full of wisdom, esp Attagirls blog "Renditions on my way to a b-school" I dont know how to post the link to that, maybe with time I will be able to do that too. I have learnt a lot about getting into a B-School from them, and still have a lot more to learn.

Though I am late in life to start my B -School "di"Journey, but I feel lucky that at least I could start, at what ever age (I am 33 people). It is difficult to find motivation at this stage in life...to prepare for Gmat, Essays and all other stuff. I had this line written in my Dorm room18 years ago "The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started", so i am trying to motivate myself with it again. At least I have started.

These days I am preparing for my GMAT, (have a humanities background) so you know how difficult some of it can be for me and the last time I studied maths was 19 years ago......... yes it was 1986 guys. I have a few weeks to go, have not taken a date yet but will do so soon because i am in my home country and work in the US so am planning to write the exam once i get back.

I had been doing okay with my Gmat prepration till yesterday, i was focusing on quant and had not touched verbal......(was getting about 40 on all practise exams)..... but yesterday it slid down by more than 5 points and I froze (its 90 F + in Delhi).... n...ways will start working on it.

So people I need lots of motivation and wisdom from all of you, i feel experience is the best teacher...... and most of you have a lots of it ... for this whole b-school journey. So all advise is always.. always welcome.

I will post my experiences here, and look to seek advise from my fellow bloggers.



Blogger Karishma VP said...

You have inspired me more than you can know.. I am 28 and was feeling that I'm too old to follow certain dreams that I have.. but reading your blog, I could feel your spirit and enthusiasm and realized that it's not age that matters, its the dream and passion! Go for it! Best of luck!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:49:00 AM  

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